Authentically Living the Life You were Truly Meant to Live

by Keith Merron

Book Cover: Inner Freedom

Our scripts, our values, and our beliefs about ourselves come from our surroundings. One cannot really change this script without first recognizing at a very personal level where it came from and why there are so many internal and external pressures to conform to it. In this book we delve into these issues in depth. There is no blame-just the need to understand and grow beyond our situation. This book provides insights and activities to support our learning.

Reviews:Lion Goodman - co-author, Creating on Purpose: The Spiritual Technology of Manifesting Through the Chakras, co-founder of Luminary Leadership Institute wrote:

Inner Freedom is an articulate, careful examination into our true nature, one that honors the reader’s intelligence and essential wholeness. Whether Dr. Merron is identifying the difference between ego, soul, and spirit, or guiding us through an exercise in self-inquiry, he stands in a deeply caring place, teaching as one dear friend would teach another – face to face, sharing and celebrating the full spectrum of our humanness, from our darkest shadows to our greatest light. This book should be displayed prominently in every library and in every therapist’s office, offered to intelligent seekers who need guidance along the path of awakening to true inner freedom.

Dr Mark Atkinson - Physician and Founder of the Academy of Human Potential wrote:

If you seek to flourish, to realize your soul-rooted potential then Inner Freedom will show you how. Keith Merron walks his talk – he is a safe and wise guide.

Carista Luminare - Psychotherapist, Ph.D. wrote:

Do you REALLY want Inner Freedom from that which blocks your True Self expression? This practical guidebook will take you step by step through a profound journey of inspiration and self-reflection to liberate your body, mind and soul from your limiting conditioning. Keith encourages and empowers the reader to rise out of the past restrictions that no longer serve one’s life, in order to give greater opportunity and freedom to embody the True Self. Treat yourself to this book as a guide to create an authentic and magical life.

About the Author

Dr. Merron is and a highly respected Organizational Consultant and Leadership Developer and is the founder and Managing Partner of Avista Consulting Group as well as a partner at Barbara Annis and Associates. He received his Doctorate from Harvard University in 1985, where his studies spanned the fields of human and organization development. His early research on the relationships between human development, managerial effectiveness and high performance played a profound role in helping shape a whole new field of study called Spiral Dynamics.


Keith teaches leadership, teamwork, and change management at Hult School of Business and is in high demand as a speaker on the subject of leadership and building extraordinary organizational cultures. Keith lives in San Rafael, CA, and enjoys golf, tennis, bicycling, and pottery in his spare time.

In addition to Inner Freedom: Authentically Living the Life You Were Truly Meant to Live, Keith Merron is the author of four books: Riding the Wave: Designing Your Organization for Enduring Success, Consulting Mastery: How the Best Make the Biggest Difference, and The Golden Flame: The Heart and Soul of Remarkable Leadership.

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