Sue L.T. McGregor

Sue L. T. McGregor PhD is a Canadian home economist (40 years) in the Faculty of Education at Mount Saint Vincent University, Canada. She has a keen interest in transdisciplinarity, integral studies, complexity thinking, moral leadership and transformative practice as they relate to home economics and consumer studies. She is an TheATLAS Fellow (transdisciplinarity leadership), a Docent in Home Economics at the University of Helsinki, the Marjorie M. Brown Distinguished Professor in home economics leadership, and she received the TOPACE International Award (Berlin) for distinguished consumer scholar and educator in recognition of her work on transdisciplinarity. Affiliated with 20 professional journals, she is Associate Editor of four including the recently launched Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering and Science (2010). She has delivered 34 keynotes and invited talks in 12 countries, published over 140 peer-reviewed publications, written 17 book chapters and (co)authored 5 books. She published Transformative Practice in 2006, and Consumer Moral Leadership in 2010. In 2011, with Russ Volckmann, she published Transversity and, with Kaija Turkki and Donna Pendergast (2012), she co-edited The Next 100 years: Creating Home Economics Futures. Under her own consultancy group (McGregor Consulting Group), Dr. McGregor has published five monographs: Fostering Ideological Awareness of Consumer Professionals; Conceptual Clarity in Consumer Scholarship; Well-being, Wellness and Basic Human Needs in Home Economics; Locating the Human Condition Concept within Home Economics; and, Consumer Education as a Site of Political Resistance. She has 20 years experience with consumer policy analysis and development with the Canadian federal government. Her professional and scholarly work is available at her professional website
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