Russ Volckmann

Russ Volckmann, (Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, Political Science and Public Administration) has worked for over thirty years as an organization development consultant and executive coach. In addition he studied humanistic psychology at Sonoma State University and focused on Gestalt Therapy and Jungian Archetypal Psychology. He was a Fulbright Fellow in India. He has taught at U.C., Berkeley; the University of Arizona; the United States Army Intelligence School at Ft. Juachuca, Arizona; Sonoma State University; Golden Gate University; John F. Kennedy University; Leadership University; the Institute for Transpersonal Psychology, Saybrook Institute and Union Graduate Institute and University. In addition he has served on dissertation committees for the Fielding Graduate Institute, Institute for Transpersonal Psychology, Antioch University, and CIIS. He has worked for over thirty years as an organization development consultant and executive coach. He has received and/or led training in many areas, including integral consciousness, integral leadership, Spiral Dynamics, stress management, sensory awareness, communication skills, organizational systems change and development, problem solving, team building, personal power and influence, transactional analysis, gestalt therapy, neo-Reichian body therapies, project management and leadership, total quality management and dialogue. He has participated in numerous trainings for coaches with BCoach Systems, the Coaches Training Institute and the Executive Coaching Program, Professional School of Psychology.
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