Finding Your Creative Core

I wrote this book for you, a student of life. Each step of the journey has exercises that will lead you to your own unique archetypal symbols and rites of passage. The archetypes you find are the DNA of the soul or psyche, just like the DNA strands in the physical body. The stages of the journey may be universal, but the more you connect with the universal, the more you will enhance your own unique creative capacity. I have walked this path many times and know that if I listen to my creative core, rewards will come. Parts of the adventure are terrifying yes, but know that the path will take you where you need to go.
If you want to tap the enormous inner resources you have within you, you must, I believe, rely on myth, story and metaphor to bring out who you are at core and the highest purpose in your life. But how do you do that? Use, don’t just read, this workbook. Ginger Grant guides you to experiencing your life as a hero’s journey. She is a master teacher sharing exercises that you can use in a practical way to bring out your best in everyday life. This is life-changing, world changing, absorbing, and fun—especially if used with guidance on your own search for meaning and contribution in life.