Tools for Evolving Consciousness

by Tom Thresher

Book Cover: Crazy Wisdom

Using Tom’s process for participants in small groups to develop a new, expansive awareness, individuals and eventually communities, are able to make important changes while developing the greater mental and emotional complexity required in today’s world. Using this process, Tom makes the audacious claim here that faith communities are uniquely situated to lead the evolution of human consciousness to help create a more just, caring and sustainable world. Crazy Wisdom is dedicated to answering how we just might go about doing that.

Reviews:Ken Wilber - author of The Fourth Turning and The Integral Vision wrote:

A superb, fully integrally-informed guide through the tried and tested techniques developed by Robert Kegan and his associates for undermining and releasing resistance to change. If you’re serious about introducing real change in your life, this is the place to start!

Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey - authors of Immunity to Change wrote:

We are proud to call Tom Thresher a colleague, and we heartily recommend this book to any person or community looking to nourish the soul.

Rev. Dr. Bonnie Bates - Associations Associate Minister for the Ohio Conference of the United Church of Christ wrote:

At a time when change is a constant and there is a deep hunger for meaning, connection, and relationship within communities of faith, Tom Thresher’s work reminds us to move into our resistance with courage, compassion and a sense of our own identity. Thresher’s work provides us with a methodology for making these shifts.

Kurt Johnson, PhD - co-author The Coming Interspiritual Age wrote:

I have constantly emphasized today’s challenge is linking vital skill sets with the emerging new global Consciousness. Thresher’s masterful interweaving of this message with a detailed understanding of the global transitions re-forming both religion and science worldwide, make this a vital and inspiring book.

Steve McIntosh - author of Evolution’s Purpose and Integral Consciousness wrote:

In this insightful book Reverend Tom Thresher presents a compelling vision for personal and social transformation.

About the Author

Tom Thresher is currently the pastor of a nascent Integral Church in western Washington. Long a student of consciousness and spirituality, Tom’s exploration was inspired by eight years of intensive transformational work in a small group setting nearly 40 years ago. Ironically, that experience led him into economics. After completing a Masters in Economics and a Doctorate in Education at Stanford University, Tom taught economics for a decade.

Following a personal crisis, he left college teaching and worked for 12 years as an artist/craftsman. Over the years he studied and worked with a Native American shaman, explored Zen and Yoga, and developed his own westernized spiritual practices.A series of extraordinary events led him to seminary in 1998. He is now an ordained minister and spiritual teacher in the emerging field of Evolutionary Christianity. He has studied and taught Integral Theory for over 15 years.

In addition to pastoring, Tom teaches Leadership and Personal Development at Bainbridge Graduate Institute, an MBA program in sustainable business.For the past seven years Tom has led groups exploring the interface of religion, spirituality, and science. He continues to develop and lead workshops in Transformational Inquiry and Integral philosophy. He does his best not to take any of this seriously.

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