Tangent Publishers Imprint
By Admin | Nov 1, 2017
Integral Publishers Announces Tangent Publishers Imprint: Tangent Publishers is dedicated to publishing quality nonfiction and fiction titles of general interest written by authors who are leaders, ground-breakers, iconoclasts, and experts in their fields. In the months and years to come, look to be amazed, amused, fascinated, and enlightened by titles from Tangent in the categories…
Submission Guidelines
By Admin | Nov 1, 2017
Attention Authors: New submission guidelines can be found at the Submissions navigation button on this site. Please be sure to follow these guidelines. Thanks!
Your Unique Self
By Admin | Nov 1, 2017
Mark Gafni’s Your Unique Self has been published. It will be available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other sites.
Innovative Leadership Workbook for Emerging Leaders and Managers
By Admin | Nov 1, 2017
Metcalf and Associates announces its new Innovative Leadership Workbook for Emerging Leaders and Managers. Another in a series of material based on the award winning book by Maureen Metcalf and Mark Palmer, Innovative Leadership.
Innovative Leadership Workbook for Nonprofit Executives
By Admin | Nov 1, 2017
Metcalf and Associates announces its new Innovative Leadership Workbook for Nonprofit Executives. Authored by Maureen Metcalf and Dani A. Robins, this book is now available and Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other sites.


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