Autonomic Response Testing (ART)
General Information
Autonomic Response Testing is a sophisticated form of testing using muscle biofeedback developed by the renowned German physician pioneer Dietrich Klinghardt. MD Ph.D. I have studied under Dr. Klinghardt and continue to do so several times a year. Experience counts.
It has some of its origins in the Unites States’ version commonly known as Applied Kinesiology developed by George Goodhardt DC, (or simply referred to as “muscle testing”).
Dietrich Klinghardt recognized the potential of this form of diagnosis and took it to another unbelievable level of sophistication. Using this technique, we have been able to make a diagnosis that otherwise would be extremely difficult with standard methods. We have been able to diagnose and treat numerous patients that have failed to be diagnosed by some of the best renowned medical centers such as the Mayo Clinic, CHOP, Cleveland Clinic, etc.
How Autonomic Response Testing Works
So how does it work? The answer to this question is extremely difficult to explain because it requires a new understanding of the human body that is not presently available.
Here is a simplified explanation:
To be able to explain ART, we must view the world and the human body more like how a quantum physicist might view them. If a physicist were to look and describe the human body, he/she would see a body composed of mostly space and many atomic particles flying around and interacting with each other.
Every substance generates and emits electromagnetic energy that has a certain frequency. Of our 5 senses, conventional medicine mainly recognizes our vision as the main organ that senses electromagnetic (light) energy. Hearing recognizes auditory frequencies. Unbeknownst to most of us, our bodies also crudely recognize the frequencies through the skin via the autonomic nervous system. This system appears to only recognize substances by three categories “good”, “bad” and “neutral”.
When something is harmful, the body’s sympathetic nerves begin to fire and cause a change in the muscle strength to “block” or tighten. When something is beneficial or healing, the parasympathetic nerves fire and cause a muscle relaxation we call healing or “yin” response. When the substance is neutral, the muscles strength doesn’t change.
This information is even transmitted to another person that is touching the patient. That is to say, we can actually test the muscle strength of the assistant touching the patient. When we use the muscle testing with an assistant’s arm, we call it surrogate muscle testing. Those practitioners who have used direct muscle testing versus surrogate muscle testing uniformly find the surrogate testing more consistent and more accurate.
When we combine this technique using the phenomena of bio-resonance, we can even tell whether someone has a harmful substance within the body such as an infection or a toxin.
ART takes advantage of a consistent physiologic response of the human body involving the physical phenomena of “bio-resonance”.
Resonance: most individuals have heard of the ability of some talented opera singers to break a crystal glass by singing the same resonant frequency of the glass. For example, a good quality glass will have a certain frequency pitch such as the tonal pitch “C”. When the opera singer sings the same pitch “C”, the mere fact that she is singing the same resonant frequency will make the glass vibrate. Since the glass is brittle, if it vibrates hard enough, it will shatter.
This resonance phenomenon can be demonstrated with two guitars. If one plucks the “A” string of one of the guitars or plays the A note on a piano, the “A” string on the other guitar or piano will also vibrate.
In both examples, the vibrations of one entity by being the same frequency will cause another entity that has the same inherent frequency to vibrate as well.
Bioresonance refers to the resonance that occurs in living beings:
For example, if a patient has significant mercury toxins in the head, and we present a vial of mercury near the patient’s head that has the accumulated toxin, that mercury vial will resonate with the mercury in that part of the body and cause the mercury in the body to vibrate. Since the mercury is already harming the body, the additional mercury will cause the body to react with a sympathetic stress response. This stress response will then be transmitted to the assistant’s body and change her/his muscle response.
Autonomic Response Testing (ART) is a powerful technique that can be used to diagnose difficult conditions and even help determine the most likely beneficial therapy.
When ART is combined with other disciplines such as Acupuncture, Neural Therapy, Prolotherapy, and Nutritional therapies, the results can be frequently astounding.
Being a physician trained first in conventional medicine, this method at first appeared too fantastic and unbelievable to accept. However, after many years of using this method, the proof has come from the many patients that have benefited from this method of diagnosis.
Autonomic Response Testing is not the same as “Applied Kinesiology” as practiced by chiropractors and other practitioners. I am familiar with AK and even practiced Applied Kinesiology. In my experience, AK has too many inconsistencies to be very clinically useful. ART is more sophisticated and far more accurate and eliminates many of the drawbacks of traditional Applied Kinesiology.
Also, however, like anything in life and medicine, this test is not 100% accurate.
The results must be always interpreted in the whole context of the patient’s history and physical exam.
In the near future we will be placing case studies from Dr. Aberle's patients here.
Here is a more complete description of the process: