Welcome to Monticello!

Monticello is a vibrant small city tucked up against the Mississippi River and conveniently located between St. Cloud and the Twin Cities.

Our growing community offers an array of business, dining, and retail opportunities as well as a wide variety of recreational activities.

A city-wide commitment to our park and pathway system also means Monticello is an ideal place to hike or bike along miles of trails, relax in one of the 28 city-owned parks, or explore the mighty Mississippi River.

Monticello is involved in an ongoing project to preserve and enhance 1,200 acres of wildlife area along the Bertram Chain of Lakes. The park offers opportunities for canoeing, kayaking, hiking, nature-watching and picnicking.

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Deus forma auroram sine volucres mixta frigore. Formas persidaque praebebat pendebat. Caesa consistere vis fratrum suis locis.

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Deus forma auroram sine volucres mixta frigore. Formas persidaque praebebat pendebat. Caesa consistere vis fratrum suis locis.

Solicitar un servicio

Deus forma auroram sine volucres mixta frigore. Formas persidaque praebebat pendebat. Caesa consistere vis fratrum suis locis.

Privacy Policy

The City of Monticello does not share information gathered through our website with third parties for promotional purposes. However, information you provide to the city is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. This law classifies certain information as available to the public on request.

Under state law, your information regarding ordinance violations on the use of real property remains confidential, and the city cannot reveal this information to others. Reports of other violations of the law may also be provided limited privacy protection under the Data Practices law. In addition, we use this information to follow-up with you about our progress on your request or for additional details, if needed.

Minnesota Government Data Practices Act Request